Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Snow Trip / Bike Riding

Hello family! Somehow, I managed to miss posting anything for the entire the month of February. Oh well, our family has managed to avoid most of the flu. Tim and Kevin had very mild versions, but were only down for a day or so. So maybe it wasn't the flu that everyone else has been suffering through. I am hoping we are done with it and we will all stay healthy. We hope all of you who have been sick are feeling better.

We took the kids to the snow about a month ago. We all had a blast, and best of all, got to leave the snow behind when we decided to head home. We filled the bed of our truck with snow before heading down the mountain, so all the neighborhood kids got to play with it when we got home.

I had a wonderful 40th birthday, thank you for all the birthday wishes. I got to go to lunch with Mom and Dad and Michael, and then had birthday cake at home with my boys. Tim and I went to a really nice dinner, just the two of us, a few days after the fact. I had a wonderful day, and I am trying not to focus too much on the fact that I am now halfway to 80 years old.

Two weeks ago, we took the boys dirt bike riding. The weather was less than perfect, as the wind was blowing a sustained 30-40 MPH, which made a lot of dust. So Tim and I didn't ride our bikes, but the boys got in a couple of hours on their bikes.

I hope you all have a blessed Easter. We hope to see our CA family at Chris' house on Easter afternoon. We are also preparing Kevin to make his First Communion on Saturday, May 3. He is pretty excited about it. He made his First Confession a couple of weeks ago. He was kind of nervous beforehand, but was so happy after he went.

Happy Birthday, Dyanamaria! We will talk to you all soon.


Mom and Dad Layton said...

Love the pics - those are all happy faces I see! We're looking ahead to Easter - the final family fete in the C & M Layton house.
Glad everyone at your house is well - look forward to seeing you soon -
Love Mom

Mrs. Ives said...

Katie, I LOVE that idea of the snow in the truck bed. I bet that was so fun for the kids that got to play in it! Good thinking! It is so amazing to see the boys on the bikes. They look SO BIG to me! Have a Happy Easter. We will miss you at Chris's house. Look forward to the next time we get to see you!

D said...

you brought snow home!? you have to be the cool parents on the block.